Partners in Invention Education Events

Events – Slide 1

Now Showing: Pathways to Invention

Now available on PBS stations and streaming on the PBS app.

Are inventors born or made? We have resources to help you develop your own interests, confidence and capabilities in science, technology, engineering and math. See how Lemeson MIT is leading a path to Invention Education in our new movie.

Events – Slide 1

PD that energizes and brings excitement to the classroom

Lemelson-MIT is excited to offer three opportunities for professional development in summer, 2025.

There will be one PD session for Administrators in Cambridge, MA, and two options to attend PD for Educators: Tustin, CA, and Cambridge, MA.

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Summer Professional Development Workshop

How Students Become Problem Solvers

This Year’s Events

  • Join Us For EurekaFest 2024!

    EurekaFest: Where High School Teams Display World-Class Inventions

    EurekaFest: A day to celebrate the inventive spirit!

    This exciting day of invention starts out with the eight InvenTeams and three Capstone teams presenting their technological solutions to problems in their communities. In the afternoon, there is an Opening Presentation followed by the teams, joined by local independent inventors, showcasing their inventions at the Stata Center at MIT.

  • Professional Development With Lemelson-MIT

    Register by May 3, 2024 to receive 20% off!

    Meet expert speakers, educators, and colleagues who will share activities and techniques that enable students from all walks of life to develop confidence in their ability to engage in STEM.

Past Partners in Invention Education Events Archive